Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Support FourMe 3

يوم أمس كان يوم خاص بالنسبة لزميلتنا العزيزة
صاحبة مدونة
و أنا أعتبرها مدرسة و ليست فقط مدونة
فقد أنهت بالأمس آخر جلسات العلاج الكيماوي
لمرض السرطان الذي اصيبت به
١٢ جلسة من هذا العلاج المؤلم الذي قد يكون مدمرا أحيانا
أكثر من المرض نفسه
و قد تابعت و تابع الكثير فورمي من خلال مدونتها و من خلال تويتر
لقراءة ما تكتبه هذه الانسانة العجيبة
و ما شدنا لمتابعتها ليس العطف او الشعور بالاسى 
بل ما دفعنا لمتابعتها هو الاعجاب بها
أعجبتنا شجاعتها و أعجبتنا روحها القتالية
و أعجبنا ايمانها القوي
لن أطيل عليكم
سأدع كلماتها هنا تتحدث عنها
لتعرفوا لماذا أحببنا هذه الانسانة
ادعوا لها بالشفاء

هذا هو بوستها الاخير  قبل آخر جلسة كيماوي

Chemo-12! THE FINALE!!

- You know the drill, I'll surface back up again in couple of days..
- Tried to sum it up in short.. It all started here:

"Happy birthday to me. I turned 29.
And I just found out I have cancer." Kicked off back in May when I was told I have Stage 4 Cancer.. And that's when the journey started, 5 months of utter hell, pain, and struggle..

I FourMe withstood Stage 4 Cancer, 2 tumours, affected lymph nodes, liver, spine, abdomen, part of bones lower back. Muscle aspiration (biopsy, while awake). Operation for 3 biopsies. And the MOST PAINFUL experience on the planet Bone Marrow Biopsy :'(

Withstood a YEAR long of PAIN along with being unable to diagnose. 12 Chemotherapy sessions! 2 suffocations. Lung failure scares. Hundreds of blood tests. Blacking out. Humiliation. Breathlessness. Hair loss. Change in figure. Endless X-Rays, MRI's, CT-Scans, and PET scan. Possibility of never having children. Shoulder scare. Pains and aches. Depression. Tiredness. Lethargy. Exhaustion. Heart scare. CONTINUOUS NAUSEA for 6 months! Medication from 7 to 21 pills a day!! PEG injection (most painful injection on planet).

Had 10 and 20 year long friends stop asking about me because I'm sick! My supposed love of my life and soulmate ex, heard I have cancer and did NOT even send me a text msg saying salmat (probably he forgot the time I held his hands while he was scared to have blood tests done)!! Some other so called friends backed off gradually.

Withstood seeing the pain I'm causing my mother and her desperation of seeing her only daughters' life threatened with Cancer. Pain caused aunts and loved ones.

Withstood signing papers consenting to chemotherapy and acknowledging the damage it could cause me, terminal damage and fatality.. And took OFF my bra in Marks & Spencer's food hall !

What have you been up to in the last 5 months? I tell you one thing I went to hell and I came back.. I was tortured in every way possible, physically, mentally, and emotionally.. I've learned more in 5 months than I have learned in 29 years..

I learned that I am beyond strong esmillah 3alay, I learned I can go through anything and come out standing. I learned that when God loves you he tests you.

Dear God, my only wish and hope is I won't need more than 12 sessions and I will be cured with your will. If this is not what you want I fully accept it and willing to go through what you have destined for me. I feel young I want to do so much yet if you have other plans for me then so be it. Thank you God for my family, friends, and wonderful strangers who were there for me during this extremely rough time. Thank you for my cancer, thank you for my pain that taught me to be happy, thank you for letting me go through so much chemo and still come out of it alive and kicking. Alf ALF ALF il7amdillah 3ala n3mtik. Alf il7amd lik ya rabi alf il7amd :)

My results should come out end of November.. Till then I FourMe am eternally grateful to each person that left me a comment, email, tweet, or prayed for me in silence.. Thank you, you made a sick girl very happy during the roughest time in her life, much appreciated and God will reward you one way or the other for your generosity :*

I am 29 years old and I WILL beat Cancer with God's will before I'm 30 INSHALLAH!!

Alf ALF il7amdillah..

FourMe Over and OUT :)


  1. Dear

    I am happy and very proud of you, Got a courage to overcome the many things
    Remember that everything is from God placed in your best interest
    God does not afflict a person from a vacuum, but tests of love, and God loves you

    I am really happy and admires your courage
    There are people healthy, but they do not have the thing that you have the courage

    Be happy always and forever

    Kisses for you

    BeNT JaBeR :)


    اخوي السموحه ما تحمدت لك على سلامة الوالده

    الحمدلله على سلامتها وعسى ربي يخليها ويحفظها لكم واجر وعافيه ان شاء الله

  2. الله يشافيها ويخليها لأهلها ويحفظها

  3. ]ا قلبي الله يثبتها و يعينها و يرفع معنوياتها و يشفيها يا كريم يامعافي

  4. الله ياجرها في هالمرض اللعين
    حبيت صدقها وقوتها يارب يشفيها
    واسئل الله رب العرش العظيم ان يشفيها

  5. Mom went through the same misery and more.She defeated cancer 11 years ago..she's now "forever young"...
    عسى فالج مثل فالها يا

    Dr.Huda Al-Mahdi

  6. الله يشافيها ويشافي الجميع إن شاء الله

  7. بعد عمري
    والله كلامها عور قلبي
    الله يشافيها ويجعل فالها الصحة والسلامة يارب
    ويرزقها الصحة والعافية
    اللهم آمين

  8. اسال الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم ان يشفيها عاجلا ليس اجلا يارب..

  9. الله يشافيها ويعافيها يارب ..

    قلوبنا معاها

  10. جزاكم الله كل خير
    انا وصلت تعليقاتكم لفورمي
    و ان شالله هالشي يسعدها
    و الله يشفي كل مرضاكم و يحفظ لكم احبابكم


  11. ام السعف و الليف

    مرحبا فيج
    اسعدتني عودتك
    ان شالله تكونين بخير
    نورتي المدونه

